Sunday, June 17, 2012

About that time, yes?

The weight of ennui is bearing down upon me and if I've learned anything about myself this past twenty-eight years, it's that I need to nip this shit in the bud right now. Therefore, this is my plan for the next week.

I will spend as little time in my apartment as possible. It is a nice, goodly apartment, but being in there alone evening after evening is not doing nice, goodly things for my morale or productivity. Various cafes? Sure, even that would be better.

I will see about hapkido or gumdo classes. I can't ride a bike every day; therefore, I must get regular physical activity through some other means.

Alcohol is right out.

Finally, this weekend, I'll go somewhere. I'll find a festival going on - or an Adventure Korea trip or that sort of thing - and I'll go there. I have to get out of Andong.

That is all. All these things are feasible.

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