It seems like it is indeed possible to feel content and melancholy at the same time.
It's midterm season at my high school. I had no school yesterday because of my middle school's anniversary. I had no classes today because my coteachers were occupied with making sure the students were prepared. No classes and half days for the rest of the week. I've been spending the free time I've had so far relatively productively.
The beer is turning out all right; the cider still presents some trouble. I'll fix this in time.
At the same time, I feel a touch detached from other people. A few weeks ago, I started to write again, then nothing. I think the two things feed off of each other.
I also suspect one of my students is being bullied... I saw her crying to a teacher in the hall the other day. I genuinely like the girl and I wish there was more I could do for her than kind smiles and words.
But at least I'm better than I was; I'm capable of enjoying my own company now, and reading plus warm weather is a truly wonderful combination.
I still wish I could have a dog, though.
Can you discreetly follow your student around and observe what may be going on? If you can intervene when or if you see something happen and if you can tell someone in charge about it as an eye witness.... I suppose it would be illegal to whack the bullies with a big stick?